
What’s YOUR Nickname? — 3 Comments

  1. Chad It’s Jeff “the guy who makes you money” this is very clever buddy. keep it going your the best!!

    Jeff Pelock
    The guy who makes you money

  2. Hi Chad,
    I hope you are well. I came up with “the GMO” (Genetically modified organism) as I have been modified (by experience) to be an equally effective communicator for both the technical and business interactions of IT.
    I thought you’d like it:-)
    Kind regards,
    Neil Banoff

  3. Hi Chad-

    I couldn’t resist.
    Great assignment.
    While members of my family proudly live with a
    generations-old nickname of ‘Ingy’,
    for business purposes I would go with:

    (The) Brand Inspirer

    Thank you, and I hope to see you this summer!